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16 Brand 발광 펜틴트 - 체리

A valkwang pen with dazzling high-shine and vivid color to make your face look shiny. Its soft texture melt in to your lips making smooth and plump lips with long-lasting effect.
$15.00 $7.50
50% Off


눈부신 고광택과 비비드한 컬러가 얼굴을 화사하게 만들어주는 발광펜. 부드러운 텍스쳐가 입술에 녹아들어 매끈하고 도톰한 입술을 연출하며 오래 지속됩니다.

발광-1발광-2 발광-3발광-4발광-5

How To Use

Lightly turn the bottom of the container and let the contents come out. Apply from the inside to the out side of the lips then tap and spread to apply evenly.

Rating & Reviews

발광 펜틴트 - 체리
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