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  • Hello, Antioxidants

    Hello, Antioxidants

    HELLO, ANTIOXIDANTS. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are the well known enemy for your youthful skin. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ They are overly reactive molecules with oxygen in them and they are made as byproducts of normal metabolism. They are considered as one of the main cause of accelerated aging and exposures to UV, pollution and stress increase the production of ROS. So we need to protect ourselves...
  • Winter Skin Care Kit - Feel beautiful Even in the Harsh, Cold, and Dry Weather

    Winter Skin Care Kit - Feel beautiful Even in the Harsh, Cold, and Dry Weather

    Winter's here, and we all probably know how harsh, cold, and dry winter weather can wreak havoc on our skin ;( Our skin becomes dry, dull, flaky, and sometimes even more reactive in the winter time, but who wants to look tired and older because of the effects of harsh winter weather on our skin?
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