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  • Summer Essentials for Glowing Skin!

    Summer Essentials for Glowing Skin!

    Our skin deserves just as much care and love in the summer as it does in the winter time! Due to the inevitable heat and humidity in the summer, your skin is more likely to produce excess oil and sebum. Sweat, air pollution, sunscreen, and other impurities can also cause your pores to get clogged, resulting in acne and other skin troubles!  The higher intensity of the...
  • Tendencia de belleza primavera/verano 2018

    Tendencia de belleza primavera/verano 2018

    Todavía hace frío en Nueva York, pero en un par de meses, la primavera llegará pronto. ¡Hoy hablaré sobre algunas nuevas tendencias de belleza de la primavera y el verano de 2018!
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