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  • Habits to Prevent and Treat Acne Prone Skin

    Habits to Prevent and Treat Acne Prone Skin

      There’s nothing more frustrating than investing in skincare products to see no results. Acne is a long-term skin condition that needs to be properly treated and that includes adjusting your lifestyle habits. We’re here to help you find out why your acne treatment isn’t working. Cleansing is a MUST The biggest culprit of acne is clogged pores and hair follicles with oil and...
  • Trendy & Affordable Hair Care NARD - M Review 131

    Trendy & Affordable Hair Care NARD - M Review 131

    My hair has been one of my biggest insecurity for as long as I can remember. I have a hard time styling my hair because it grows stiff and spiky. Growing up, I always used whatever shampoo was in the bathroom. I didn’t understand the importance of the conditioner, and I also never thought to carefully read the ingredients. Masksheets recently added to their...
  • Reasons for Hair Loss and Ways to Grow it Back

    Reasons for Hair Loss and Ways to Grow it Back

      There are nearly 100,000 hair follicles on your head, and daily, losing approximately 100 strands is considered pretty normal. This loss isn’t noticeable because of the hair growth cycle. It’s important to be aware of the amount of hair you’re losing. 
  • Shampooing cuir chevelu anti-chute DASHU - M Review 113

    Shampooing cuir chevelu anti-chute DASHU - M Review 113

    Suis-je le seul à voir une touffe de cheveux alarmante dans le siphon après une douche ? Alors qu'il est normal de perdre 50 à 100 cheveux chaque jour, voir une grosse touffe de cheveux là-bas me rend dingue, d'autant plus que ça s'est aggravé après avoir dû attacher mes cheveux en chignon tous les jours dans l'armée ! ça ne me manque certainement pas
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