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Bouquet Garni 패브릭 퍼퓸 - 블랙 체리

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Long-lasting rich fabric fragrance based on thoughtfully-chosen premium flavors is created by special fragrance decanting engineering method. Bouquet Garni's black cherry fragrance is sweet and fruity scent blended with powder fragrance.
2 X 500ml / 16.9 Fl.oz

$36.12 $28.89
20% Off


완벽한 냄새 제거기
패브릭 퍼퓸은 불쾌한 옷감과 침구류를 즉시 바꿔주는 효과적인 냄새 제거 효과가 있어 신선하고 새로운 제품으로 변합니다.

유해물질 없음
섬유향수는 피부 접촉이 불가피한 침구류, 유모차 등에 주로 사용되는 만큼 피부 자극 테스트를 완료해 무자극 결과를 얻었다.

How To Use

Spray 3~4 times at a distance of 20~30cm from the place where fragrance or deodorization is required (5~10 times if necessary)
Use clothes immediately after drying or using a dryer to feel more fragrant and fresh clothes.
A wide and evenly sprayed spray is evenly absorbed throughout the fiber.

Rating & Reviews

패브릭 퍼퓸 - 블랙 체리
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