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Mamonde 로즈워터 수딩젤

1 후기

A multi-purpose, soothing gel containing 90.81% rose water which cools and hydrates fatigued skin. Cruelty free.




로즈워터 90.81% 함유로 지친 피부를 시원하고 촉촉하게 가꾸어주는 다용도 수딩젤 잔인하지 않습니다.

Skin Type

All Skin Type

How To Use

Face - Layer on thickly over a dehydrated and flushed face as a cold-pack or a leave-on mask.

Hair - Apply to hair dried out from hot showers and exposure to UV rays as a rose-scented hair essence.

Body - Use as a light, fragrant, and cool body lotion.

Rating & Reviews

로즈워터 수딩젤
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