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Papa recipe 해수 모공수축 클레이팩 폼

1 후기

Seawater Pore Tightening Clay Pack Foam is a clay pack foam that enables you to do facial mask and cleanse your face at the same time, and makes your skin smooth and elastic by cleansing dead skin and skin wastes.


$24.94 $12.47
50% Off


해수 모공 타이트닝 클레이팩 폼은 마스크팩과 세안을 동시에 할 수 있는 클레이팩 폼으로 각질과 피부 노폐물을 클렌징해 매끈하고 탄력 있는 피부로 가꿔준다.
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Skin Concern


How To Use

Take an appropriate amount of it and spread it evenly to your face with no moisture and then dry your face for about three minutes. Massage your face gently with water while making bubbles and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

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해수 모공수축 클레이팩 폼
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