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esfolio 알로에베라 수딩 바디워시

1 후기

Enriched pure aloe vera to help make your exhausted skin smooth and calm. A moisturizing body cleanser that is full of hydrated aloe to calm your tired skin and cleanse your skin with ample and creamy bubbles.

16.9 fl oz


$12.00 $8.40
30% Off


농축된 순수 알로에베라가 지친 피부를 매끄럽고 진정시켜줍니다. 알로에의 수분을 가득 담아 지친 피부를 진정시키고 풍성하고 크리미한 거품으로 피부를 맑게 가꿔주는 보습 바디 클렌저.

How To Use

Pour an appropriate amount onto bath sponge or bath towel and create lather to massage onto entire body. Rinse thoroughly with water afterward.

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알로에베라 수딩 바디워시
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