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DEWYTREE 픽 앤 퀵 라이트 업 마스크

5 후기들

You can jump complicated basic skin care step in the busy morning before makeup. Brightening and providing skin nutrition effect with multi vitamin extract and black bee honey extract.

30 sheets

$23.00 $17.50
23% Off


메이크업 전 바쁜 아침, 복잡한 기초 스킨케어 단계를 뛰어넘을 수 있습니다. 멀티비타민추출물과 흑벌꿀추출물 함유로 미백 및 피부영양 공급
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How To Use

After cleansing and applying toner, place the mask sheet on entire face and remove after 15-20 minutes. Gently pat to fully absorb the remaining essence.

Rating & Reviews

픽 앤 퀵 라이트 업 마스크
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