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Amini 放松足部去角质喷雾

3 评论

A foot care spray that cares for every foot concern. Rough skin, dry skin, foot fungus, you name it, Amini's Relaxing Foot Peeling Spray cares for it. It's ingredients containing thermal water to provide intense moisture and softens the skin of the foot, bringing back healthy and soft feet.

150mL / 5.07 fl.oz.

$13.87 $10.40
25% Off


呵护每一个足部烦恼的足部护理喷雾。粗糙的皮肤、干燥的皮肤、脚部真菌,凡是你能想到的,Amini 的舒缓足部去角质喷雾都能解决。它的成分含有温泉水,可提供强烈的水分并软化脚部皮肤,恢复健康柔软的双脚。

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