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10 ways to keep the winter blues from turning into seasonal depression

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 Seasonal Depression


Ever wondered why you seem to get so gloomy during the colder weather?

I believed I was such a “summer girl”, not only because I loved the sun and being active, but also because I felt like the cold winter weather was bringing me down, somehow.

Well, seasonal depression is a real thing, unless you’re a big fan of winter.


Summer vs winter



But, why?

 1. The weather gets chiller and the daylight hours dwindle.

Believe me, lack of natural light can cause many different things. But among them all, seasonal depression may be the most serious problem to your mental wellness.

Seasonal Depression



2. You’re not moving enough.

Moving around can actually make yourself feel better. However, you probably often find yourself curled up in your bed when it's too cold outside.

Seasonal Depression



3. You’re overwhelmed with holiday gatherings.

So. Many. Holiday. Parties!!!

Sometimes you just wanna stay under your blanket and binge watch on netflix all day, than go to a family gathering only to hear your mom telling everybody your business straight up.

Seasonal Depression




4.You’re overeating.

# of Holiday gatherings = # of pounds you're gaining. It's either yourself or your grandma that's trying to feed to till your stomach explodes. 

Seasonal Depression




5. You like to hibernate for the winter.

It's is very easy to get urge to hibernate for the winter, because it's cold out and you feel lazy to get out of the bed.

Seasonal Depression




Here’s what you can do to ease winter blues 

1. Make sure you're eating healthy

Consuming so much of fattening holiday food can leave with no energy. If you can't miss the party, try to balance it out by having nutrious meals before and after.

Seasonal Depression



2. Exercise

Move, move, move! It's easy to pass out on your couch after having a feast, but try to exercise regularly. If not, at least stretch. Exercising not only strenghtens your body, but helps with your blood circulation to warm up your body, and boosting your metabolism to digest all that carbs in your system!





3. Put on some red lipstick

Putting on some red lipstick is a way to get in the holiday spirit when you're feeling like a Grinch. If you're not into lipsticks, try painting your nails red, or even wearing christmas sweater will do the job. It is a simple, and easy way to instantly amp up your mood!

Red lipstick




4. Go out and get more sunlight.

I know, it is cold out. But you're more likely to be depressed when you're in the dark. Once in a while, try to go out and enjoy the sunlight. May be you'll reminisce on your childhood memories playing with the snow.

Go out more




5. Stay connected

It's easy to cancel on the gatherings when the weather is not that great. But don't be a loner! Surrounding yourself with your close friends can make you feel cosy and warm again.

Stay connected




6. Read!

Winter means more indoor hours. If you haven't been a reader, this winter may help you become one for sure.

Read more



7. Pamper yourself

No matter what type of skin you have, you've probably noticed that the cold, winter breeze makes your skin dry and sensitive. Face Masking is a simple, but effective way to give your skin extra moisture.You can use sheet masks while watching your favorite Christmas movies, reading books, or even when you have your friends over. Trust me, your skin will thank you, and you'll feel good.

Face Mask



8. Meditate to take care of your mind

It's the end of the year, and your mind is probably overwhelmed by all the holiday events. Try meditating to calm your mind. It's okay if you've never done it before. There are tons of videos on youtube that help you meditate, or you can use this app called, "Headspace". 




9. Take a warm bath

I don't know about you, but during the summer, I just like to take a quick shower to freshen up. And winter is when I really appreciate some warm bath. When I'm feeling a little bit  extra, I like to burn my candles and throw my favorite bath bomb in my tub, with the christmas jazz music playing in the background. It'll make you feel so much better!




10. Maintain a regular sleep schedule

We often forget how important sleeping is. Study proves that irregular sleeping patterns have negative effects on your life. Constant tiredness, moodiness, loss of concentration, digesting problems, and countless more. Sleeping too much, or too little can both be significantly bad for your body and mind. For adults, 7 to 9 hours each day is ideal.




Stay warm, not lazy!



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