Certificate of Authenticity
Masksheets – the most affordable and reliable source for all your K-Beauty needs
K-Beauty – Why it’s trending but more expensive than it should be

K-Beauty is everywhere and people won’t stop talking about! Korean beauty products have such a huge international appeal more than ever before. However, from our experience of global sales, we know that consumers are paying for more than just the product itself. Import and shipping costs are included on that price tag you are paying for.
How + Why we’re affordable

This is where Masksheets comes in. Our mission is to offer our customers K-Beauty at the most affordable price. You must be asking yourself, “How are your prices so low?” and “Are these products authentic?” The simple answer to both those questions are – relationships. Just like with our customers, we believe in building strong economical relationships with suppliers in Korea. Having these relations allows us to provide our customers with authentic products at the most affordable price.

The documents below represent meaningful partnerships with brands such as Jayjun and Papa Recipe, which allow us to bring prices that can be found in Korea to the States.